
Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Curriculum Development Paper

This curriculum paper discusses the normal development that occurs during the Toddlers stage of process. It in addition discusses nearly of common respiratory and gastrointestinal diseases and disorders that ar present throughout toddlerhood. It emphasizes significant tuition think to the nurse field. It thoroughly discusses the treat management pertain in the care of normal growth as well as the health deviations seen in toddlers. The tar line audience is a class of third year nursing students. Pediatric nursing is important branch of nursing that should be tackled by junior level in a nurse course.Goals/ Learner outcomes of the Lesson The goals of the lesson are for the students to understand the normal growth and development seen in toddlers. They should identify the different health abnormalities affecting toddlers. They should have thorough fellowship to the highest degree the nature of the disorders discussed. Students should be adequate to(p) to identify the sign s and symptoms related in every disease/disorder presented. They should enumerate the nursing management and its rationale rejoinn to sick toddlers. Learning ObjectivesAt the end of the lesson, the students will be competent to understand the nature of Seizures, cerebral Palsy, Meningitis, Primary Complex, enteral Parasitism and Croup. They should be able to describe regularitys to promote preventive measures against Seizures, intellectual Palsy, Meningitis, Primary Complex, Intestinal Parasitism and Croup. They should be able to identify different laboratory and diagnostic examinations done for severally condition. Students are expected to identify the common presenting clinical manifestation for individually condition.And lastly, they should be able to enumerate nursing management done for clients with Seizures, Cerebral Palsy, Meningitis, Primary Complex, Intestinal Parasitism and Croup. instructional design model, Learner characteristics, Learning scheme and other applic able characteristics Instructional design model Dick and Carey bod Model. Dick and Carey Model involves all the phases described previously in the ADDIE model, commencing with appointment of instructional goals and finishes with summative evaluation. This model is suitable for a variety of setting areas including primary and secondary schools as well as business and government.It is also adaptable for a variety of users ranging from movie to expert, as the step by step descriptions aid with progress through the model (Taylor, 2004). Learner Characteristics there are many factors that influence a clients ability, need and desire to learn. Addressing these factors when planning educational interventions is essential, because the effectiveness of the intervention can be at stake. Learner characteristics include, among others, culture/ethnicity, literacy, age, health positioning, education level, and socioeconomic status (De Young, 2003, p. 59). Learning TheoryCognitive Learning T heory. The key to acquirement and changing is the individuals cognition (perception, thought, memory, and ways of processing and structuring information). According to this perspective, to learn, individuals must change their cognitions. A highly brisk process largely directed by individual, learning involves perceiving the information, interpreting it based on what is already known, and then reorganizing the information into virgin insights or understanding (Bastable, 2004, p. 50) Content Outline Seizures I. Seizure II. Types of Seizures II. Signs and symptoms of baby bird with SeizuresIII. aesculapian management / pharmacological management ( nurse considerations) IV. Nursing Management V. prophylactic device Measures Cerebral Palsy I. Cerebral Palsy II. Signs and symptoms of Child with Cerebral Palsy III. medical examination management / Pharmacologic management (Nursing considerations) IV. Nursing Management V. Preventive Measures Meningitis I. Meningitis a. ) bacterial b . ) Viral II. Signs and symptoms of Child with Meningitis III. Medical management / Pharmacologic management (Nursing considerations) IV. Nursing Management V. Preventive Measures Primary Complex I. Primary Complex II.Signs and symptoms of Child with Primary Complex III. Medical management / Pharmacologic management (Nursing considerations) IV. Nursing Management V. Preventive Measures Intestinal Parasitism I. Nature of Intestinal Parasitism II. Life stave of Intestinal Parasites III. Intestinal Parasites a. ) reservoir b. ) portal of exit from reservoir c. ) method of transmission d. ) Portal of entry e. ) susceptible host IV. Signs and symptoms of Child with Intestinal parasites V. Medical management /Pharmacologic management (Nursing considerations) VI. Nursing Management VII. Preventive Measures CROUPI. Nature of Croup II. Signs and symptoms of Child with Croup III. Medical management / Pharmacologic management (Nursing considerations) IV. Nursing management Instructional Metho ds Lecture. Lecture can be defined as a highly structured method by which the instructor verbally transmits information directly to groups of learners for the purpose of instruction. In its purest form, the gossip format allows for only minimal exchange between the teacher and learner, only it can be an effective method of teaching in the lower-level cognitive domain to impart content knowledge (Bastable, 2004, p. 357)In this sheath of teaching strategy, the teacher will provide the necessary information about the normal growth and development of toddlers as well as the health deviations common to toddlers. The little teachers will emphasize the important nursing management involved in caring of sick toddlers Group Discussion. It is a method of teaching whereby learners get together to exchange information, feelings, and opinions with one another and with the teacher. It is one of the most ordinarily employed instructional techniques. The activity is learner-centered and subje ct-centered (Bastable, 2004, p. 358).This strategy is incorporated in the lecture. erstwhile in a while, the teacher would be asking questions for the class to discuss. subsequently each video clip of certain illnesses, the class would be asked to give their opinions about what they have watched. They will be asked about certain information that should be remembered in the video clip. Questioning. The use of questioning places learners in an active role. They are asked to recall, to form links between previously isolated information, to analyse statements or beliefs, to evaluate the worth of ideas, and to speculate about what would happen if (De Young, 2003, p.126) This type of strategy will be used as to serve as a recitation for students. This will also serve as a pointing system for them to get rewards and additional credit in their evaluation quiz. victimisation of audiovisuals (handouts, power point presentation, video clips). If used appropriately, audiovisuals can greatly set up teaching and can add interest and stimulation to the classroom (De Young, 2003, p. 131). Instructional Materials Handouts. The teacher would provide handouts containing important information students can review upon afterward the class. Power point presentation.Power point presentation is the type of visual support that will be used this is for the convenience of both the teachers and students. Students with portable storage devices can acquire the software copy of the report. Video clips. Video clips related to the topics being presented by the micro teachers would be shown to students and they would be asked to give opinions about what they have watched. Evaluation Methods Before the class ends, a 30 accompaniment quiz will be given consisting of true-false questions and situational types of questions for analysis and unfavourable thinking using multiple choice.Multiple-Choice Questions. Nursing examinations are often indite in the multiple format. There are several reasons for this fact. One is that although they are challenging to create, they are easy to score and can be scored by computer. Another reason is that licensure and certification examinations are multiple-choice tests, and therefore educators compliments learners to be familiar with questions like the ones that they will be taking on these exams (De Young, 2003, p. 265). True-False Questions.True-false questions are designed to test a learners ability to identify the correctness of statements of fact or principle (De Young, 2003, p. 268). References Bastable, S. B. (2003). control as Educator Principles of Teaching and Learning for Nursing Practice. Massachusetts Jones and bartlett Publishers. De Young, S. (2003). Teaching Strategies for Nurse Educators. New Jersey Pearson Education, Inc. Taylor,L. Educational Theories and Instructional build Models. Their Place in Simulation. PDF document. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Web Site

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